Hein Thiessen app for iPhone and iPad

4.6 ( 736 ratings )
Developer: Peter Neufeld
Current version: 1.0.0, last update: 7 years ago
First release : 01 Feb 2018
App size: 43.81 Mb

This is the Hopninj Organization app. With messages from Hein Thiessen Durango Mexico. The indentity of our Ministry is the hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, the foundation of all foundations and not the identity of any denomination.
Through the campaign through our Low German Speaking Mennonite World the goal is to spread the pure and the undistorted Gospel.
We will leave behind the commandments of men and replace thos with the pure and simple Word of God.
Menno Simons made it to a turning point in his teaching that not he, nor the Anabaptist Movement but only Jesus Christ is the true foundation of our faith.
(1Corinthians 3:11)
Trough a simple but vigorous force through the Holy Spirit we will tear down the walls of religious beliefs, that satan has erected through centuries around the world and erect insead the banner of Jesus Christ.
Our Ministry is not an attack on a true Christian Community but a direck on satan and sin.